Events listed in Regulation on European Long-Term Investment Funds (ELTIF Regulation)

Prêts consentis par les FIA : l’AMF modifie sa doctrine concernant les ...

ID 25500
The AMF has amended its instruction DOC-2016-02 regarding the reporting requirements for loans originated by AIFs. These amendments come after the approval of changes to the AMF’s General Regulation. The context for these amendments lies in the fact that AIFs that comply with the ELTIF Regulation can be ELTIF-authorised and originate loans under this regulation. However, *non-ELTIF authorised AIFs can only* originate loans if ...

25.10.2023 | Recht BAI Gastbeitrag in der Börsen-Zeitung „Der neue ...

ID 25483
In einem Artikel der Börsen-Zeitung präsentiert Frank Dornseifer, Geschäftsführer des BAI, seine Einschätzung zum „neuen ELTIF“ als wegweisende Chance für Privatanleger, sich in Private Markets zu engagieren. Die Finanzindustrie steht vor einer signifikanten Neuerung: Die überarbeitete Verordnung über ELTIFs tritt Anfang 2024 in Kraft und bietet Privatanlegern verbesserten Zugang zu alternativen Anlageklassen. Dies markiert einen Wendepunkt gegenüber den Erfahrung ...

BVI’s response to the ESMA consultation paper on the draft regulatory technical ...

ID 24723
Der BVI hat seine Stellungnahme zu dem Konsultationsentwurf der ESMA über die technischen Regulierungsstandards im Rahmen der überarbeiteten ELTIF-Verordnung abgegeben. In Bezug auf die von der ESMA als „feste Kosten“ bezeichneten Eintrittskosten (Kosten für die Einrichtung des ELTIF und Vertriebskosten) betont BVI, dass die Vertriebsgebühren auch aus der laufenden Managementgebühr bezahlt werden. BVI schlägt vor, dass Vertriebskosten, die aus der laufenden Manage ...

ESMA Consultation Paper on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards under the Revised ...

ID 24721
EFAMA responded to ESMA’s Consultation Paper, mentioning that the success of the newly revised ELTIF regime depends critically on the degree of flexibility that the ESMA maintains in its formulation of technical rules. The ELTIF framework has experienced remarkable expansion, witnessing a growth in the number of ELTIFs from a mere 20 in late 2021 to a substantial 95 as of August 2023, largely ...

ALFI responds to ESMA RTS under the revised ELTIF Regulation

ID 24720
ALFI responded to the ESMA Consultation Paper on the draft regulatory technical standards under the revised ELTIF Regulation, providing detailed feedback on various aspects of the proposed regulations. Regarding the assumptions made in relation to the ELTIF cost ratio figures, ALFI suggests that these assumptions need to be reworked to consider the specificities of the alternative asset classes in which ELTIFs invest. ALFI also ...

L’AMF met à jour sa doctrine concernant les informations à fournir par les ...

ID 24535
The AMF has recently made significant updates to its Position-Recommendation DOC-2020-03, which outlines the disclosure requirements for collective investment schemes incorporating non-financial approaches. These changes expand the policy’s scope to encompass both French and foreign ELTIFs that are marketed to retail investors in France. Previously, DOC-2020-03 focused on non-financial information disclosures by French collective investment schemes and foreign UCITS mar ...

Réponse de l’AFG à la consultation de l’ESMA sur son projet de RTS dans le cadre de ...

ID 24263
ESMA initiated a consultation on draft RTS under the ELTIF regulation, intending to propose level 2 measures by early 2024. The consultation covers cost disclosure (Article 25), redemption policy (Article 18), and matching mechanism (Article 19). In its response, AFG acknowledges the importance of the proposed regulations but highlights ongoing discussions on cost disclosure and undue costs within other legislations. They urge waiting for ...

ESMA seeks input on rules for long term investment funds

ID 23353
ESMA has launched a consultation on draft RTS under the revised ELTIF Regulation. The aim of this consultation is to specify the way the new requirements of the revised ELTIF regulation will apply, particularly regarding redemption policies and matching mechanisms: – ESMA is seeking input on the circumstances under which the **life of an ELTIF is considered compatible with the life cycles of its ...
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