Events listed in draft

Entwurf eines Zweiten Gesetzes zur Reform des ...

ID 26589
Das BMJ hat einen Referentenentwurf zur Reform des Kapitalanleger-Musterverfahrensgesetzes (KapMuG) veröffentlicht. Der Referentenentwurf überarbeitet das zeitlich begrenzte KapMuG und optimiert die Anforderungen im Umgang mit Massenverfahren im Kapitalmarktrecht. Der Referentenentwurf, zielt darauf ab, den Massenverfahrensablauf zu straffen, indem das Verhältnis zwischen den Prozessgerichten und dem OLG neu definiert wird. Das OLG soll künftig eine zentralere Rolle einnehmen ...
Asset Management

Self-Regulatory Organizations; Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board; Notice of ...

ID 26584
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC, has published in the Federal Registered proposed rule change of the MSRB (Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board) in connection with the SEC’s amendments to Exchange Act Rule 15c6-1(5) to shorten the settlement process for most equity and corporate bond transactions, requiring the settlement of such transactions on a T+1 basis. The amendments aim to reduce operational risks and ...
Asset Management

Sustainable finance: Commission provides additional guidance to help financial ...

ID 26451
The European Commission (EC) has published a draft Commission notice „on the interpretation and implementation of certain legal provisions of the Disclosures Delegated Act under Article 8 of the EU Taxonomy Regulation on the reporting of Taxonomy-eligible and Taxonomy-aligned economic activities and assets“. This is the third such Communication from the Commission providing further guidance on interpretation and implementation to financial companies in the ...

The EBA publishes amendments to disclosures and reporting on MREL and TLAC

ID 26436
EBA has released draft ITS amending the ITS on disclosures and reporting on MREL and TLAC. These modifications, set to take effect from 30 June 2024, are in response to changes in the prudential framework, particularly the introduction of the ’daisy chain‘ framework. The ‚daisy chain‘ framework mandates entities not designated as resolution entities to deduct investments in eligible liabilities instruments issued by their ...

ESAs propose extending the EMIR equity option exemption

ID 26434
The ESAs have proposed a two-year extension to the equity option exemption from bilateral margining under EMIR. The current temporary exemption, set to expire on 4 January 2024, could be extended until 4 January 2026, according to joint draft RTS published by the ESAs. These RTS provide guidance to market participants on handling equity options from the expiration of the current temporary exemption. This ...

Gesetz über die Digitalisierung des Finanzmarktes ...

ID 26418
Das BMF hat den Regierungsentwurf eines Gesetzes über die Digitalisierung des Finanzmarktes (Finanzmarktdigitalisierungsgesetz – FinmadiG) veröffentlicht. Dieses Gesetz zielt darauf ab, die europäischen Vorgaben des DORA-Rahmenwerks (Verordnung und Richtlinie) sowie der MiCA-Verordnung in nationales Recht zu überführen. Das DORA-Rahmenwerk setzt umfassende Anforderungen an den Umgang mit IKT im Finanzsektor fest, während die MiCA-Verordnung einen Rechtsrahmen für Märkte ...

Technical standards / LMT combinations under the revised ELTIF regulation

ID 26394
ESMA finalises technical standards under the revised ELTIF regulation ESMA has finalized the draft RTS for the ELTIF regulation. The draft covers various aspects, including the compatibility of ELTIF life cycles with individual asset life cycles, features of the redemption policy, use of matching mechanisms, and costs disclosure. ESMA considered feedback from 23 stakeholders in its consultation (eventid=21373), leading to proposed amendments.In terms of ...

Operating the Interim Capital Regime

ID 26198
As announced in its concurrently published policy statement (PS17/23) (see EventID 24391), the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) has now issued a new near final statement of policy (SoP) on the operation of the Interim Capital Regime (ICR) – particularly as it relates to „simpler-regime firms“ or better „Small Domestic Deposit Takers“ (SDDTs). To recapture, the noted policy statement permits SDDTs and consolidated group SDDTs ...

ESAs put forward amendments to sustainability disclosures for the financial sector

ID 26060
The ESAs have put forth amendments to the draft RTS for the SFDR. This development comes as part of their ongoing efforts to enhance sustainability disclosures within the financial sector. As a reminder, the ESAs received a mandate from the EC in April 2022 to review and revise the RTS laid down in the SFDR Delegated Regulation. The proposed amendments encompass several key areas. ...

Entwurf eines BMF-Schreibens zur Anwendung des Gesetzes zur Abwehr von ...

ID 26014
Das BMF veröffentlicht den Entwurf eines Schreibens zur Anwendung des Gesetzes zur Abwehr von Steuervermeidung und unfairem Steuerwettbewerb (Steueroasen-Abwehrgesetz – StAbwG). Der Entwurf, der in sieben Kapitel gegliedert ist, deckt verschiedene Aspekte des StAbwG ab, darunter die Anwendungsbereiche, die betroffenen Geschäftsvorgänge und die spezifischen Abwehrmaßnahmen. Er befasst sich unter anderem mit folgenden Themen: 1. Beteiligungsverhältnisse: Der Entwurf klärt ...
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