Events listed in report / study

ACER publishes its assessment report on the market effects resulting from the gas ...

ID 22074
The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) published its assessment report on the effects of the Market Correction Mechanism (MCM) on energy markets and security of supply. The MCM was established in December 2022 to protect citizens and the economy against excessively high gas prices by setting a bidding limit on certain financial derivatives traded at EU exchanges. ACER and ...

APRA publishes assessment of macroprudential settings

ID 22045
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has released an update on its assessment of macroprudential policy settings. The purpose of macroprudential policy is to mitigate risks to financial stability at a system-wide level, aimed at addressing risks to the financial system as a whole, rather than just focusing on individual institutions. APRA published a Macroprudential Policy Framework in 2021, which detailed the objectives, toolkit, ...

Bail-in Playbooks: Wie gut sind die Institute auf den Ernstfall vorbereitet?

ID 22039
Die BaFin präsentiert in einem Fachartikel mit dem Titel „Bail-in Playbooks: Wie gut sind die Institute auf den Ernstfall vorbereitet?“ das Ergebnis einer Stichprobe von deutschen Instituten in Bezug auf Bail-in Playbooks im Zusammenhang mit dem Thema „Sanierung, Abwicklung“. Dabei wurden signifikante Qualitätsunterschiede festgestellt, insbesondere bei den Offenlegungspflichten. Die BaFin wird daher in Zukunft bei der Abwicklungsplanung Prioritäten se ...
Asset Management
report / study

G20 Roadmap for Enhancing Cross-border Payments: Priority actions for achieving the ...

ID 21994
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has published a report outlining priority actions to achieve the G20 targets for enhancing cross-border payments. The report has been submitted to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors for their meeting on 24-25 February 2023. The report summarizes the lessons learned during the first two years of the Roadmap for Enhancing Cross-border Payments and includes feedback from ...
Asset Management
report / study

Blanchiment de capitaux et financement du terrorisme : actualisation de l’Analyse ...

ID 21951
On 20 February 2023, the AMF issued a press release, informing about the adoption by the COLB of an updated version of the NRA on ML/TF, which takes into account the recommendations of the FATF and which has benefited from the contributions of professionals from all sectors engaged in AML/CFT, aiming to nationally identify the threats, vulnerabilities and the resulting level of risk in ...
Asset Management
report / study

The Financial Stability Aspects of Commodities Markets

ID 21945
The FSB published the Financial Stability Aspects of Commodities Markets report. The report presents an overview of a few globally traded commodities markets (crude oil, natural gas, & wheat) that are of particular economic importance, and examines their vulnerabilities and mechanisms through which any further stresses in commodities markets could propagate more broadly through the financial system. First, by being concentrated in a number ...
Asset Management
report / study

FSB assesses financial stability risks of decentralised finance

ID 21921
The FSB published a report on the financial stability risks of DeFi. The present report concludes that while the service processes are novel, DeFi does not differ substantially from TraFi in its performed functions or exposed vulnerabilities. Indeed, DeFi’s specific features may result in vulnerabilities playing out differently than in TraFi, such as operational fragilities, liquidity & maturity mismatches, or leverage & interconnectedness. As ...

IOSCO members report high level of implementation for Regulator’s Principles

ID 21911
On 15 February 2023, IOSCO issued a press release on the publication of the IOSCO Standards Implementation Monitoring (ISIM) for Principles (1-5) Relating to the Regulator, informing about the findings of the AC on the implementation of IOSCO’s first five principles of the IOSCO Principles Relating to the Regulator across most of the participating member jurisdictions. Indeed, these five Principles are part of [IOSCO’s ...

ESMA assesses supervision of Central Securities Depositories

ID 21893
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), published its Peer Review Report on the national supervision of Central Securities Depositories (CSDs) providing cross-border services or participating in interoperable links. Six National Competent Authorities (NCAs) were evaluated in terms of how they supervise CSDs that use the freedom to provide services in another Member State. On-site visits to the CSSF (Luxembourg), FKTK (Latvia), and NBB ...
Asset Management
report / study

Banks can improve the way they measure liquidity risks

ID 21853
The Central Bank of Sweden, Riksbank, has published an Economic Commentary addressed at financial institutions regarding liquidity risk management. The Commentary outlines the shortcomings of the most commonly used tool by banks to monitor liquidity risk in the short term, namely the Liquidity Coverage Ratio or LCR, and presents an alternative metrics that financial institutions may use to better monitor and align intra-period cash ...
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