Events listed in The European Green Deal

Asset Management

Green Bonds: Regulation (EU) 2023/2631 on European Green Bonds and optional ...

ID 26012
On November 30, 2023, new Regulation (EU) 2023/2631 as regards the specifications of a green bond standard has been published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the EU. The new regulation specifically sets out the criteria or standards that issuers of bonds must meet if they intend to label their bonds as European Green Bonds (EuGBs). It also establishes a registration and supervisory system ...

Notations ESG : Position commune des gestionnaires d’actifs et des assureurs ...

ID 25433
The AFG and the German BVI have endorsed the position of the the German GVD and France Assureurs in response to the European Commission’s proposal for a regulation on the transparency and sustainability of the ESG rating market (2023/0177(COD)). The associations welcome the proposed regulation on ESG rating agencies, which aims to improve the quality of information on ESG issues and address shortcomings in ...

ESG-Ratingverordnung: Gemeinsames Positionspapier von BVI, GDV, AFG und France ...

ID 25368
Der BVI hat in Kooperation mit dem GDV, AFG und französischen Versicherungsverband France Assureurs ein gemeinsames Positionspapier zu den Bestimmungen der geplanten EU-Verordnung über ESG-Ratingaktivitäten vorgestellt. Das Positionspapier spiegelt die gemeinsamen Bestrebungen der deutschen und französischen Verbände wider, um die Entwicklungen in der ESG-Ratinglandschaft auf europäischer Ebene aktiv mitzugestalten und eine faire sowie transparente Marktsituation zu fördern. ...
Asset Management

Greening the bond markets: MEPs approve new standard to fight greenwashing

ID 25231
On October 5, 2023, the European Parliament (EP) informs that its members have finally adopted the long awaited, first of its kind voluntary standard for the use of a European Green Bond (EuGB) label, marking a significant step in the fight against greenwashing. This regulation, which was adopted by a majority vote of the EP, establishes uniform standards for issuers seeking to market their ...
Asset Management

‚SMEs and the climate and environmental transition‘ – Speech at ...

ID 25070
In his recent speech at the Confindustria event, Paolo Angelini, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Italy, emphasized the growing importance of sustainability in the business world, with a particular focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Angelini highlighted the global shift toward sustainable production and consumption driven by the scientific consensus on climate change and changes in consumer behavior. He also stressed the ...

Stellungnahme zum Vorschlag der Kommission für eine Verordnung über ...

ID 25060
In ihrer Stellungnahme auf den Vorschlag der Europäischen Kommission bezüglich einer Verordnung zu ESG-Ratingaktivitäten sieht die DK den vorgelegten Regulierungsansatz für den ESG-Ratingmarkt als positiven Schritt, der dazu beiträgt, die Qualität von ESG-Ratings zu erhöhen. Dies ist angesichts der zunehmenden Bedeutung von ESG-Ratings, insbesondere im Kontext der grünen Anleihen, begrüßenswert. Es gibt jedoch noch Unsicherheiten, insbesondere im Hinblick auf den Anwendungsbe ...

EFAMA urges regulators to include third party ESG data providers in their new ...

ID 24826
EFAMA has responded to the EC’s proposed new framework for ESG rating activities to enhance transparency and empower investors. The proposal ensures fair fees for ESG ratings services and excludes ratings produced internally by regulated financial market participants. However, EFAMA urges the EC to consider the inclusion of ESG data providers and strengthening transparency: EFAMA recommends that the legislative framework cover both **ESG data ...

ALFI responds to the European Commission’s consultation regarding the proposal for ...

ID 24811
ALFI has responded to the European Commission’s request for feedback on the proposed regulation on the transparency and integrity of ESG rating activities. ALFI generally welcomes the proposed regulation but has some specific comments and suggestions. ALFI suggests that certain cases should be exempted from the regulation’s rules, including ESG ratings shared within a group, internal ESG assessments of investments for internal use, ESG ...

Kollateralschäden beim Schutz von Umwelt und Menschenrechten vermeiden

ID 24191
In einem Artikel präsentierte der GDV seine Stellungnahme und eine begleitende Anlage, in den er die Verhandlungsführer dazu auffordert, zentrale Bedenken in Bezug auf die Ausweitung der CSDDD zu berücksichtigen. Der GDV betont die Bedeutung einer praktikablen und angemessenen regulatorischen Herangehensweise, die die Belange der Versicherungsindustrie in den Vordergrund stellt. Er hebt mehrere entscheidende Aspekte hervor, die während der Trilog-Gespräche berücksichtigt werd ...

AFME welcomes the Sustainable Finance package recently published by the European ...

ID 23785
AFME has shown its support for the Sustainable Finance package recently released by the EC. The package comprises various key elements aimed at promoting sustainable finance. Here is a summary of those elements: – Regulation of ESG ratings providers: The proposal seeks to improve the credibility, transparency, responsibility, governance, and independence of ESG rating activities. It establishes conditions for offering ESG ratings in the ...
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